Jumat, 10 April 2009

Start Something

Kalo ada yang belom tau, ini tuh lagunya Lost Prophets, judulnya Start Something. Kenapa gw ngerasa harus nulis liriknya disini?? Soalnya ini bener-bener bikin semangat! Apalagi tanggal 20 April 2009 nanti UAN akan datang membayang. Hiii....
Nah, ini lagu tuh cocok banget buat kita-kita yang pemales. Coba perhatiin deh liriknya.

Start today, now show us how you feel
Make your way, it's time to choose
Have my say, I know, I know what I see
Have my say, they think you'll lose
For all this to mean so much to me
For all this, you make a move
Pass you by, it's all in this life you have
Pass you by, goodbye to you

1, 2, 3, 4 Move
If you don't stop there, you'll make it through.
Stop dreaming, start something!!
When it's in your hand just start anew

It's ok to use your ability
You must know, it's hard to choose
Time will tell, it's hard that the way you feel
means you always seem to lose
Seize the day, the one that you left behind
It seems so strange that you don't move
Frozen still in front of your own lights
Win or lose, its time to choose!!

Jadi, kalo kita mau, kita pengen banget buat dapetin sesuatu yang kita cita-citakan, kita pengenin sedari dulu, jangan cuma mimpi, tapi kita harus berani melakukan sesuatu untuk mendapatkannya! Kalo kata iklan mah, "Dream Less, Do More". Hehehe..

Semoga kita semua lulus UAN 2009!!
Amiiiiiiinnnn............................ =D

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