Rabu, 14 Agustus 2013


Hello, world!

Yap! wulan-agustias.blogspot.com sudah saya tutup karena satu dan lain hal yang saya tidak bisa jelaskan di muka publik. Jadi, semua postingan saya pindahkan ke sini. Beneran pindah akun looh, bukan sekedar ganti alamat. Ffiiuh.

Oiya, Eid Mubarak semuaaaa! Minal aidin walfaizin, maaf lahir sama batin! :D

Hmmm.. Gw berencana untuk semakin produktif dalam menulis, juga dalam menggambar pada kesempatan liburan kali ini. Salah satu caranya agar terus termotivasi yaitu dengan ikut challenge. Yap! Ikutan 30 Days Challenge itu emang seru banget. Kita "dipaksa" buat produktif setiap harinya. Di blog Tumblr gw, gw juga ikutan 30 Days Drwaing Challenge, yang sebenernya diadain 4 taun lalu! Hahahaha gapapa laah, yang penting produktif~

Untuk di blog Blogger, gw ikutan yang 30 Days Writing Challenge dari love-holiday.com. Berikut tampilan dan challenge-nya.

Day 1: Introduce yourself in 30 words or less.
Day 2: Make a list of the 15 most important points in your life.
Day 3: Pick the closest book to you. Turn to page 17 and copy the fifth sentence. Write something (a story, a poem, etc.) using that sentence as your beginning. Make sure you tell us what book you used!
Day 4: Rant about anything
Day 5: Rave about anything.
Day 6: Write whatever you want! (25 words or less)
Day 7: Pick three words that describe your day. Then identify three people that reflect each word you chose. Write about how each person has impacted your life relating to the chosen word.
Day 8: Walk outside and take note of the weather. Think back to a previous time when you experienced this weather. Share the memory.
Day 9: Write a poem about the first thing you saw when you woke up this morning.
Day 10: Rewrite a classic story.
Day 11: Write whatever you want! (50 words or less)
Day 12: Tell the story of today in a rhyme.
Day 13: What is inspiration?
Day 14: Go back to your list from day 2. Write about the fifth thing on your list.
Day 15: Compare yourself now to yourself this time last year using the format, “I’m more… and less…”
Day 16: Write whatever you want! (50 words or less)
Day 17: Create a superhero and tell his/her backstory. (Illustration is optional!)
Day 18: Describe the most beautiful thing you saw today.
Day 19: What’s the most important thing to master in life?
Day 20: Go back to your list from day 2. Write about the eleventh thing on your list.
Day 21: Write whatever you want! (Between 50 and 100 words)
Day 22: Write a three-word title for the class that you’d be the best professor of. Then, write a course description. (Adapted from Soul Pancake http://soulpancake.com/activities/view/2119/class-acts.html)
Day 23: Write a letter to the teenage version of yourself.
Day 24: Finish this. “God is…”
Day 25: Use the first line of a nursery rhyme to start a piece. (Adapted from Creative Writing Promptshttp://creativewritingprompts.com/)
Day 26: Write whatever you want! (At least 150 words)
Day 27: Tell your life story from someone else’s point of view.
Day 28: If these were the last words you’d ever write and share with the world, what would you say?
Day 29: Have you or your writing changed over the course of this challenge? If so, how? If not, why do you think that is?
Day 30: Reintroduce yourself in however many words you want.

Naaahh, pertanyaan berikutnya adalah, kapan gw akan memulai challenge ini?? Hahahaha bukan sekarang, guys. Besok kita akan start. Okaaayy?!

Maka itu, see you tomorrow!


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